Ready to replace my stock power cables with a limited budget...Ideas, opinions, favorites please...





Supra Lorad 2.5 with connectors of your choice. Several nice reviews online you can check out.  

Maze Audio Litz with Billet plugs. 10 ga, great sound, beautiful. $100 for 3 feet.  

For those recommending Cullen, sent inquiry to them… absolutely NO response. 

@signaforce and others - just saw on Cullen’s site that he’s retiring and has sold the business to Wyred4Sound - not clear yet from their site which products they will continue. 

I actually kind of cracked up when I saw the Biden comment was literally the first response in this thread. The need to spout off with this kind of rhetoric while maintaining no understanding of economics, whether micro- or macro- is just astounding but 100% fits the "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" paradigm Asimov described in (checks notes) good lord - 1980! 

It makes as much sense to say "this one was $100.00 before Weezer released OK Human".