going from tube preamp to solid state

just toying around with this and it might not even happen.

have a tube preamp now and while i might sell this later on and get another preamp.......have there been members that have had a tube preamp, sold it and went to a solid state preamp and kept it ?          or did you prefer the tube preamp sound and went back to it ?

maybe got a tube preamp that uses different tubes than the previous one did ?     

the preamp i have now, i like the way it sounds, but just not a fan of the 6sn7 and never really have been.   i prefer the 6922, 12au7 / 12ax7 tubes better.   


I have a highly customized SMC Audio SS preamp that sounds fantastic.

I would suggest giving SMC audio a call because they’ll build something that can meet your personal needs, wants, and budget.



I've had my two Dynaco ST 70's and PAS 3 preamp and Magnepan and Vandersteen speakers for almost fifty years and loved them. I've been careful to to maintain and upgrade the Dynas  but they have lost their luster  for me. I suspect it's mostly due to my diminished  hearing ability.  I've just replaced them with a McCormack DNA-0.5 Deluxe, a Parasound 850 preamp and an SMSL DAC and I'm in heaven again. It may be due to these particular components and not their solid stateness but  the music is back;


I tried various combos of amps and pre amps over many decades. In the end I generally preferred a solid state amp and a tube preamp.

I have the same preference.

Consider posting the issue that you’re having with sound reproduction, such as soundstage and post a photo of your system and a listing of components in your profile. This will get you to a better solution without presupposing that the problem has to do with your preamp.

I will never ever get rid of my tube audio equipment.  Preamp or power amp. I also will never ever give up my solid state power amp or preamp.  They both have there own area's of sound reproduction plus and minus.  I have 3 different systems each one of th has a tube preamplifier connected to a solid state power amplifier.  Solid state for the deep more control bass and tube for liquid midrange and sweet silky highs.i also have system with just solid state equipment and one system that's all tube- power amp  and preamp.  Like I mentioned earlier they both have there plus and minus but I need both to make ears whole.


So let me get this straight; you like the sound of your preamp but not the tubes in it?  How do questions like this get past the moderator?  All I'll say is that if you listen to records through a low (0.2 mV or lower) output cartridge, odds are a solid state preamp will be quieter with less hiss and less typical tube noise.