How would you improve the sound of Squeezebox?

I just set up a NAS music server with Squeezebox Duet. The convenience of accessing all my music collection is really a great thing. Now the question is, how would you improve the sound of the Squeezebox digital output? I heard people say that SB's outputs digital signals with much jitter, so what DAC's(~$1000) would you use to reduce the jitter? i.e. what DAC's has the better ability to handle jitter? Any other ways that you can improve the SB's SQ?
Adding the CI gave it a blacker background, improved soundstage and detail but what really did it was the benchmark (after the power supply upgrade). I use a shunyata diamond back with the power supply and also upgraded the umbilical, which all added to the power supply's increased performance. The tinny sound went away, but it was still thin, though not as thin as the wall wart. The Benchmark really makes it a satisfying source. I didn't want to add the benchmark w/o first doing the power supply upgrade. My thoughts were to get the SB as close to a transporter as I could, so I thought the power supply and dac would do it. I haven't heard the transporter but as I am now tremendously happy with the SB/PS/Dac combo. I am thinking of getting a 100ft ethernet cable to connect direct to computer (router) rather than wireless, as I have heard that will upgrade sound as well. Has anyone tried this with the Squeeze Box?

you just made me wanna get a benchmark again! Did you used the CI VDC 9.0 for the SB? or did you upgraded the PS for the benchmark? or both?
You'll be very happy with the Benchmark. I was truly surprised at the performance for the money. I upgraded the squeezebox power supply with the CI. The Benchmark goes into a Shunyata Hydra 8 with a Shunyata Python helix Vx power cord, which was a pretty nice upgrade itself.
currently running sb3 coax out via 1.5 meter 75 ohm canare digital cable into bel canto dac3...excellent results. Sometime ago I splurged and bought a wellborne labs high performance linear supply (did not want the stock switcher wall wart spewing more noise both of emmitted and conducted type)to go with it. I had an SA11S1 for quite some time...also I had a Benchmark DAC1 w/same SB3 setup...I like this current setup better sonically.
Flexibility wise is a whole 'nutha ball of wax b/t any music server and the solo sliver spinner.

Via S/PDIF the SB3 has a jitter spec of <50 pS; the transporter <35 pS. Into a competent modern dac like the Lavry, Benchmark DAC1, new musical fidelity, or Bel Canto Dac3 that offer high degree of jitter rejection I think you will be aok. I also use a dvd player as transport, and even though I have a more expensive virtual dynamics digital cable I can't hear 1 bit of meaningful difference.

I am all in on the music server way of life and can't see any turning back at this point. Sort of related, I find it annoying that some high end cd player manufacturers are not on board with digital inputs. For instance the new ARC CD5...same story...yawn... new analog circuitry, possibly better power supply and maybe "better" much better can that be over the cd3mkII... for real now? Why did they not toss in a simple s/pdif receiver when the design was on the open table to make use of the excellent conversion/analog stage? Cary seems to get the picture. Picking on ARC, I do realize they probably don't want to shoot themselves in the foot by offering a new DAC line with a new cd player line (that also could be an excellent DAC)...but come on now this is a bit ridiculous. These types of situations don't do any favors for people thinking about getting into the high end.
All aboard!
Sorry for taking this off the OP subject a tad

I've been eyeing the Bel canto Dac3 but kind of don't want to spend the bucks. Do you think the upgrade from SB/Benchmark to SB/Bel Canto is worth $2,500? (I wouldn't sell the benchmark, but, rather, move it over to my PC-rendering the Musical Fidelity XDAC3/PSU3 to the closet).