Amplifier for Sonus Faber Guarneri EVO's

I have a pair in Walnut on their way and I am doing a complete reset of my existing system. Very curious which amplifiers people have had great experience with while paired with the EVOs. I am open to both tube or solid state and would also consider a high quality integrated. My source with be Bryston BDP-1 and BDA-1. I like the option of running balanced, though single ended is fine too.
Devialet G-Premier good match for sonus faber EVO's, need your help. Anyone have experience? sounds like Devialet could lack power? help would be appreciated thank you...

Beautiful system. I am sure it sounds wonderful. I had Evos and regret selling them. Enjoy them and your wonderful gear in great health.
Bavarian05, do you still have the Sonus Faber Olympica II's? THe reason I ask is that I am interested in purchasing them and also have the Primaluna Dialogue HP Integrated Amp and a VPI turntable. What do you think (if you still have the Olympica II's)? Always looking for a used pair if you ever want to part with them :) Best, David