I would like to get back to a popular topic about which budget solid state amp will match up adequately with my Thiel CS 2 2 speakers which I bought back in the early 1990's. I play them every day in my HT setup which is powered by a 6 year old Denon AVR x4200W which puts out 125 watts into 8 ohms and 165 watts into 4 ohms with more distortion per specs. I will play cd's and I have an older Thorens TD 145-MK II from 1979 which I use the 2 channels for the higher wattage. I Know using the Denon in full 7 channel HT gives maybe 78 W rms per channel which is probably not adequate. I have been looking at the the new Emotiva Basx-2 which seems to have good reviews. I am also checking out used, much older gear, many of which I had used with the Thiels back in the 80's and 90's but don't remember the pros and cons I had. These include original Bryston 3 B, Adcom GFA-555, small Parasound for extra surround channels, Chiro, which I found to be nice sounding, but sold because they went out of business. I also had B&K, Dynaco ST-416 with extra capacitor unit and HK Citation Series, but these were way before I had the Thiels. I originally had the CS 2 model, but sold them and upgraded when the CS 2 2 came out at Sound Components in Coral Gables, S Florida.
I am only considering solid state at $500 +/- I have speakers in a family room 20 deep by 16 ft wide into an open kitchen. I don't do much serious listening anymore and don't play them too loud. Flooring is all tile and there are no sound treatments. My speaker cable is original Striaghtwire Maestro, power cords are original Shunyata Sidewinders with all going into an original Clean Line VansEvers PLC with 8 assorted outlets. I have the Denon going into the power amp outlet for maximum power. Thanks in advance for any advise. I have been following this thread for many years and have learned a lot through it.