Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!



Outstanding! Good to read that you are working with Dave. He is one of this thread early adopters. In a previous life he was a proponent for Thiel Audio. You are in excellent company! Give the fans and owners on The  Panel a cost analysis of Clarity Caps in 2023.  Have fun in your Hot Rod space.


Happy Listening!

Quick update - CS2.4 coax and woofer PCBs now have Mills MRA12 resistors and Mundorf elecrolytics. Not finding newer 28uf and 14uf capacitors and going back to 27uf+1uf and 13uf+1uf not likely to fit well at all. These PCBs may have gone as far as they can go. It is possible to get the SE update from Rob (legacy technology), Mills MRA12 resistors and Mundorf 100uf electrolytics. There is some space between the .15mh/18ga inductor and 28uf capacitor but not likely a good setup.

Coax Mills Update

2.4 Woofer Mills Update

Not ideal (might redo and lay flat):

2.4 Woofer Mills Update

Tom, I agree with your assessment of the original Bryston, great and tight bottom end bass, but upper frequencies were hard sounding with the Thiels.  I went to an Aragon 100W @ 8 ohms power amp, was a little hard sounding but switched to  tube preamps, 1st a lower end Counterpoint which I didn't like that much and then a CJ preamp which improved the mids and highs of the Thiels.  I wanted to go HT multi-channel and bought a used Chiro combo of preamp and 3 and 2 channel amps which I though sounded great.  I got nervous when the company went out of business and sold them around 20 year ago, miss them, for a Denon 125W x 7 CH AVR with the fancy RC-2 remote.  Used for 6 years, but the GUI went out and I bought a newer Denon AVR also 125 w.  I still have the original AVR set at 5 CH, but no on-screen due to bad GUI board.  I thought about using this for the main front amps for the Thiels, but specs only indicated 6 ohms, didn't see 4 ohn capable.  Do you know anyone with success using a newer Emotiva Basx 2 CH power amp which is rated at 240 W at 4 ohms?  I have 2 Gallo round subs for the base, but still run Thiels at large which taxes the Denon?  Some say to set it to small?  Back to the CS 2 2's, I have noticed the high end seems distorted and hard on the ears, but I am not sure what the cause is yet, I have to do some trouble shooting by substituting other main speakers.  I have been considering selling the Thiels, but realizee the cost of replacing them would be many $1,000's.

I have seen reviews and ads for SVS Tower speakers for around $900 each, but haven't heard them yet.  I have read about tweeters and mid-ranges having to be rebuilt or replaced after some time.  I believe the speakers are around 32 years old and have been used at normal volumes almost every day.

I am interested in possible lower cost upgrades I can do myself with limited skills. I have read the drivers can be removed and shipped at a much lower cost.

I live in S Florida near Ft Lauderdale, have the original shipping boxes, but know just the 2 way shipping to Rob at Coherent would be quite expensive.

Any upgrades suggestions would be greatly appreciated and what I should convey to Rob. Sorry for the long e-mail, but I know you appreciate lots of details from the many informative posts you have put on this thread.

I never heard of Thiel speakers, but in 1986 I accompanied a friend down to Sound Components in Coral Gables to see Peter where my friend was shown the original CS-2 speakers which we auditoned and were blown away.  He put a deposit on them, but changed his mind and bought something else.  I was so impressed that I sold my speakers, I believe Kef's, and purchased the pair he had on hold. I switched about 6 years years later to the CS 2 2's which I have enjoyed for over 30 years. The last year the sound changed, but I will be doing my trouble shooting this week to see what I can narrow this down too.  My other equipment are both vintage Thorens TD-145 MK II with original Shure V-15 Type IV  cartridge with new Shibata stylus, not even 3 total hours of use.  Heard the stylus needs break-in.  Original Cal Audio Icon MK II with the Power Boss HDCD upgrade.

Thank you again in advance for your response.  I am really forward to your input on my many questions



Richard - despite the detail I put into my own responses, I am not very familiar with with very much equipment on the market. So I can't provide any meaningful comments on particular equipment and setups. I can say to avoid any amp that doesn't specifically state their 4-ohm load performance because if it could, they would say so - so it can't. A straining amp is the most common cause of tweeter failure - by far.

You trouble-shooting should identify whether or not your high-frequency problem is indeed a tweeter problem. If it is, you hit 'our' problem on the head. That Thiel UltraTweeter moving system is obsolete, and the soft-dome replacement available from Madisound has different sonic characteristics. It will work, and we will eventually have a certified replacement. There is also a drop-in midrange replacement from Madisound. My (eventual) replacements will be performance upgrades over the originals.

I suggest pulling the woofers and examining the crossover boards. Your electrolytic caps could be at end of life. Look for bulged cases and evidence of high heat.

We have proven considerable sonic / performance upgrades via crossover upgrades via parts, layout and thermal management. Circumstances have prevented timely progress, but patience will be rewarded. I suggest you keep the critters. 

Keep us posted about your progress.