What speakers work with low wattage class A amps

Hi everyone. I am setting up a system and have been really impressed by some low volume listening I was able to do through a class A amp. Class A amps usually have lower watts in a given price range, and are not as practical for big power. What speakers have sensitivity that would make sense for an amp with 25 Watts or less (eg some of the entry level class A options from Pass Labs)?  Are we limited to horn speakers? The speakers I have are said to require “high current amps”. Is this a factor as well? Thanks for your help. 

Depends on how loud you like your music really. My Dunlavy SM-1s are around 90. My pass Labs X-150.5 is biased on the high end 50 deg C in winter and does about 35 watts before the needle moves. If the room is cooler then I can get some more A. I'm of the mind to design my system around speakers though.. always have been. That's where the rubber meets the road iny personal experience. But Class A to me is oh just so beautiful, detailed, accurate with perfect soundstage. For my speakers which honor phase and time coherence. The combination is sublime really.

I have some Fritz Carrera BEs and they sound remarkable with a 25 watt Class A First Watt M2 amp

Thanks everyone! An enormous number of suggestions to research and hopefully hear. My tastes seem to run to the “British sound”. I have Celestion 700se and 6si that I like a lot. Have had a really tough time using my B and W 803 matrix series 2. Harsh except with McIntosh (only local amp I could audition). Decided to make the leap for both new speakers and amp. Heard the Parasound JC 5 and was amazed at the difference between its class A versus AB output, into all those speakers. Decided to try for class A amp. My preamp is ARC LS25 II. The trouble has been upper end harshness on the B and W and even on the Celestion with JC5 in AB. Trying room treatment now. Fine with stand speakers plus sub. Too much detail? In any case thanks for all the great suggestions. 


Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect nj

Borrenson and Legacy dealers"

I would expect anyone who is a dealer to know how to spell and pronounce the name of the speakers they are selling. It is "Borresson". Your misspelling does not instil one with confidence.