"Amazes me that at least 3 people are screaming "Tannoy" in this thread and your playing Classic Rock. Tannoy has to be one of the WORST brands I have heard playing Rock. Wonderful with lightweight fluff, Female vocals etc but will make you sleep thru "Dark Side of the Moon". Dont waste your time."
You do realise Dark Side of the Moon was mixed and mastered on Tannoys?
That album, along with most other UK rock classics, hendrix etc, all mastered specifically to sound great on Tannoys... But yeah, sure, you'll sleep right through when you listen back on them. Just like I'm sure all the members of pink floyd and the mixing anf mastering engineers did when they sat in the studio and played back the finished product.
Lolll, you really couldn't have picked a worse example to make your point mate. By the way, rock sounds incredible on big 50s/60s/70s Tannoy Dual Concentrics- try a pair of Monitor Silvers and come back and talk. In the meanwhile, shtop talking shite, good lad.