Help with cartridge wire clips

Finally got all the parts for my Michell Gyro SE. Trying to put it together tonight, and the clips for the tonearm (Michell Tecnoarm II) are too small for the cartridge's pins (Hana ML). Looking around online I found usually the clips have a slit, or multiple for the round ones, so you can expand them for the pins. There are no slits in these clips, and I am at a loss as to what I am missing here. I also tried my Denon DL-160, same thing though. The manual only mentions making sure the wire color matches the pin, nothing else. Does anyone know anything about these arms? 



Turns out they were soldered on backwards. After reaching out to Michell they told me there was a small batch of arms assembled like this. 

They’re sending me a new one. Really hope that’s the last issue. I’ve had this table since August trying to get it finished. 

I hope they apologized. At the very least. They really ought to pay the cost of repairs.

I’ve had this table since August trying to get it finished

What other issues had you had?

@lewm They’re sending me a new arm. It comes from the UK though, so another week or two I am guessing.

@rsf507 No issue with the table that I know, but I have never been able to use it beyond power on to make sure it spins, and seemingly at the right rpm. The issues I’ve had are all with Michell to be blunt. The table was at a local shop for about 3 months, they ordered the arm for me, and it was delay after delay. At one point an order supposedly got to the single US distributor, and the arm was just missed in the shipment.

After the 3 months I got fed up, thinking maybe the shop was to blame (I was wrong clearly), and decided to contact Michell and the US distributor myself. Got the arm ordered through the distributor, and waited another 3ish months. More delays every time. The arm finally got to me in February. Then I found out it did not include the arm board to mount it to the table. Both the distributor and I were under the impression it was included. I ordered a 3rd party one myself, because I have lost a lot of faith in the company getting parts in a reasonable time to the US.

This all started basically because I bought the table used, knowing it needed an arm board for anything other than an SME arm. Online there were places to get the Rega arm boards. Turns out they were out of stock, unless you’re in the UK. There seem to be plenty of parts there. They’re not allowed to sell to the US though due to Michell’s agreement with them.

Sorry for the rant, but it’s been a journey to say the least haha. I probably should have just bit the bullet and bought a use SME M2-9 or 309. The Michell arm's are supposedly very good though, and far cheaper. 

It'll be nice when it's done, Gyro SE, Tecnoarm 2, Hana ML.