Pickering XSV/5000 question

Hey all !

I have a Kenwood KD 500 TT with a Linn Basic arm mounted on a piece of Honduras Mahogany base.

I will eventually upgrade the Kenwood Basic C2 preamp but for now I'm looking at cartridges.

A local guy is selling a TT, cheap, that needs work that has a Pickering XSV/5000 cartridge mounted but NO Stylus.

There seems to be some love here for the Pickering so I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to grab it and install a new stylus? If so...which one?

Also, what should I look at with the cartridge to help determine if it's good? I do have a multi-meter.





Yes it was Joseph who commented that the XSV 5000 stylus was in

fact the same as the low output XSV 7500 go figure, likely due to

the waning days of Pickering and vinyl. The body characteristics 

being the difference.

I am a fan of the Stanton equivalent to the XSV7500, the 981LZS. And now you mention it, I remember that bit about the 5000/7500.