Used vs. new

I am struggling with the decision of buying B&W 804 D4 or an older model like the 802 /803 D3 . I have the same issue with automobiles too.but  for now we can stick to the issue of speakers.


Buying used is too much of a crap shoot for me. The fact the person is selling the component makes you wonder why. You don't know how it's been used, or abused. Trying to get more for your dollar buying used is like trying to get something for nothing, May very well work out, but buying new eliminates that risk factor. Better to buy a new Volkswagen, than a used Mercedes at the same price. Of course my father was a used car dealer, so I learned to stay away from anything used. Your experience may be totally different.


Thank you so much, excellent feedback ! Yes I am very new at all this. I first heard the B&w speakers about 20 years ago. And haven't stopped thinking how great that sound was , .even though I have never listened to music on any other nice speaker , my heart is set on b/w.  I don't really have anywhere to go to listen and compare the different b/w speakers to see which one I like best... so I asked   here for advice . sounds like with budget of 12-15k its better to go with the D3 used vs the new 804 d4, and that's fine with me , and by reading and researching I bought the Hegel 390 integrated amp. and just hoping it will work well with the B&W's. Thanks again, and  I think I will get the 802 D3 or 803 D3. 

it's a tricky situation since I have no way of listening to either one to see what I like better.