Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

I forgot to mention in my prior 2 posts about the high frequencies of my Thiel CS 2 2 speakers not sounding as smooth as they used to be. About a year ago I cleaned the entire dusty grille without taking the grille covers off, I used a powerful central vacuum with the soft bristles attachment on a long hose. I don't remember if the speakers were playing or not. After this cleaning, I did notice the highs sounded a little different to me, slightly distorted or scratchy? I have read that these tweeters are highly sensitive and this may be my 1st place to look. I believe mid and woofer still sound good. I will do a listening test today. I will have to call Rob about tweeter rebuild or replacement units he may have. I checked Madisound and their replacement tweeter for my model is out of stock. I didn't receive any responses if anyone had tried the Emotiva Basx 2 or 3 amp with these speakers and were happy with it. Currently using Denon Avr X4200 in a 7 ch setup. For CD and Phono using in 2 ch to achieve highest wattage.

Thanks to all and look forward to your feedback.  Richard 

Happy Friday @jafant!  

Purchased a PS Audio Perfectwave MK II DAC from an electronics recycler.  Case is in rough shape but does power on.  Arrives Monday or Tuesday.  Not expecting much to work but unless it's complete junk, the plan is to restore and perhaps get a DirectStream upgrade kit if one becomes available.  Headed to Colorado in June and will stop by PS Audio for a tour since those are available again.  

Curious to hear how the Purity cap integration work is going.




Nice score! If you have not visited P.S. Audio, you will enjoy Paul's Reference System. That alone is worth the trek.


Happy Listening!



after re-reading your post as above, no doubt that your 2.2 speakers need an upgrade. 30 years is a long time for any Gear. Nice to see an original CAL Audio Ikon Mk II with Power Boss. These are quite rare in Operating shape.


Happy Listening!