CD player for Mcintosh/Krell int amp

I currently use two different int amps for listening to music.......Krell KAV 400xi and also a Mcintosh MA6300.

I like both of them and they are not going anywhere...
however I am looking for a cd player.

*XLR outputs
*$2000-$3000 new or used
*detailed for redbook with good bass
*SACD is a not have to have it
*Tube player would work well with either

I currently have a Mcintosh MCD 201 which I really like
for SACD......I have a couple SACD'S. But I think I can do
better with redbook..which is 98% what I listen to.
I have had the Rega's and MF's. I really liked the A5 from not understand why they do NOT use balanced outputs.

Really looking at an AYRE(ax7e) or ESOTERIC(SA10) or used ACCUPHASE.

I am really not into the modded $800 cd player for $2000.

I do like both of my amps and would not trade them.
I am looking at the AYRE very closely.
The krell 400xi may be the best sounding component ever made for it's price...I like it more than the evo rig I sold last year. My SACD standard was upgraded for free by krell to V3 status (Evo505 internals). With Transparent power cords and MIT Oracle cabling, my Krell Res 2 speakers and subs put me in the club with all my jazz favorites. Too bad you can't get a new SACD standard for the old is a musical sex machine for CD's

the KAV 400xi is not a fully balanced design,so why would you want XLR ? If you use the XLR,in a non-balanced design unit ,the preamp section will get 'saturated'.So, unless both CDP and the AMp are trult balanced design ,it would be better sonically to use RCA, instead of balanced out[balanced out tend to have higher output,a lot of nonbalanced preamp/amp sound its best when the output from the CDP is less than 3mV]so this should be your primary consideration,or better still look for one with variable output,like METRONOME, WADIA
Fafafaffull of (insert explitive). The 400xi should only be run balanced, it is far less musical et al in rca mode. I've owned almost everything Krell has offered over the last decade. All reviews have confirmed this.
Both the Mac int amp and the Krell int amp
have their thing for sure they both SOUND
better with good XLR cables.

Never thought about the Krell CD player.
I see the SACD Standard on thi site.

By the way I think the Krell int amp I own is a steal
for the price.