Describe the "new HiFi sound"?

Recently had a discussion with an audio friend over the word "musical" and what this word means to each of us with regard to sound from different amplifiers and speakers. Some debate too.  And, reading this other comment on Agon once in a some equipment has the "new HiFi sound".  


Can someone describe this, in your words, what is the new HiFi Sound to you?  Examples? Or, opposites of the new HiFi sound, what does this sound like?





Hey dave_b, I just call it the way it is. Sorry, you're offended, but that's reality.

People like to put things in boxes.  It makes them feel more in control and often slightly superior.

We are all in the same box


I have older recordings that used tube microphones and were completely analog

I have newer recordings that used those same microphones, you think this is somehow important? That is like a look back at your baby pictures, LOL. The "new sound" is better, clearer, you just need a proper (as in 7.1.4) atmos rig to play it back. Anyone clinging to this nostalgia BS has clearly got brain lock, and refuse to adopt the coming tech. I say goodbye and good riddance to the antique limitations of (yech) stereo. The engineers that mix will tell you that atmos has opened up a palate and they have finally been given object based audio after choking in channel based for the last century. What part of this modern studio is somehow inferior to the dinosaurs of the past :

Someone using Elton John as an example of a pianist is what's wrong with civilians talking about music.