Passion, or ..... Precision?

Hi Guys, 

In the last 2 years I have finally built what I consider to be a fairly decent System. Namely, DCS Bartok, BHK 300 mono's and KEF Ref 5 Speakers. With the introduction of Qobuz, which is all I listen to now, I find myself searching out artists or tracks that sound amazing on my rig. Occasionally, I hit the jackpot and find something I really like that also sounds amazing. Streaming is brilliant for this. However, when I revert back to the music that evokes the passion in me I find that it tends to be of poorer recording quality. I'm 58 now and grew up with the 70's/80's Heavy Rock scene with bands like Sabbath, Ozzy, Rainbow, Lizzy and my beloved Status Quo etc. Their early material just doesn't 'cut it' on a high end system (IMO) and I find it more fatiguing to listen to. Modern technology and attention to detail in the recording studio has really dated some of my favourite bands to the point I find it harder to listen to them.

Does anybody else share this experience?

cheers, Mark


They generally recorded that stuff to be played loud, otherwise it sounds like crap mostly. I own all those old rock records, I hardly listen to them now. I'm more into jazz and classical, also old hill Billy music, acoustic...

Hello,I am just a little older but i do like it loud sometimes! I started with through home theater and i kept my 2 channel separate'.Then i connected my dac /streamer to my home theater/11 channel,2subs.It was putting air in the tires of a bicycle i,d been riding! Now if i want to shake the house,let her GO!! And my 2 channel is protected from my stupid mistakes.LET IT FLOW.JEFF

I am a musician/music lover first and audiophile second.  Now with 48,500 LPs/CDs/78s/R2R and a selection from classical/opera/jazz-Dixieland to post bop/fusion/pop of all ages until about 1990s/rock from 50's to 90', no rap, no hip hop.  As one can view my set-up, it is tube based electronics.  A 70 watt class A amp driving 96.4 db large multi-driver dynamic speakers in a custom built listening room with built-in bass traps (activated carbon/16" thick walls/no openings.  

I used to think that Led Zeppelin CDs were crap until I upgraded my equipment/cabling/fuses/footers/etc.  My wife is a very critical listener and enjoys heavy metal and 60's to 90' rock.  I can swing adequate dynamics for her to enjoy all types of music, including metal.  I don't particularly like metal music (not adequately sophisticated for my taste) but it is listenable to me.  Sure, on CD and LP, great rock recordings sound great whereas compressed and artificial/distortion laden rock won't sound as open, colorful or exhibit as great dynamic swings.  We have only 500+ rock recordings but they are 90% of the time, quite good to listen to (for me).  

I dislike audio show exhibitors who use obscure and often very limited dynamic range recordings to demonstrate equipment.  I bring my own heavy percussion, orchestral and complex jazz recordings on LP, thumbdrive and CD.  Only a handful of times do systems sound as good or better than mine (show conditions are a limitation as well).  

It took decades to learn how to assemble a synergistic system which permits great latitude in musical genres and recordings to sound excellent to great.  I listen to acoustic and electric 78 recordings with just as much enjoyment as the best modern recordings for their musical content.  Mono LPs and CDs just as much as stereo for audiophile sound (particularly jazz, simple classical and vocals).  

May I suggest that you hear other systems which can convey better sound to your rock recordings.  A better system will not just provide greater resolution (your DAC) but also other attributes in rhythm, tonal balance, body and ambience retrieval.  They all play a part in maximizing your listening pleasure (Bryston amps and the Kef 5 would appear to be too sterile sounding for me/flat/uninvolving but with tweaks could be made better-cabling/power supply/room treatment, etc).