Field coil dava cartridge

I have been hearing great things about the dava field coil cartridge with the tube power supply. I am only able to read a few reviews on them. The reviews seem all positive and the designer Darius seems to be a very approachable person . I would like to hear opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of the cartridge. Especially comparison with the Lyra atlas sl which is my current cartridge.

thanks in advance.


@bonzo75  : That gentlemasn with the MS 8000's I think had the terrible 3012 tonearms on it, so that Viger like it is not something that could prove Vyger superiority.


You can be sure that the REGA RP-10 is superior and everything the same could outperform the Vyger.


It's not weird that in your bolg system and along the " top " audiophiles ( ? ? ) in wbf the RP-10 just does not appears and I think is because first its price tag is not over 50K and second because it does not in sale by kilogram price as the Vyger or As-200 or Clearaudio or AF 1 and the like.and third  it does not shines as gold/silver and the friends of the owners can't say: WOW when look the REGA instead the " heaVY METAL " THEY ARE ACCUSTOM TO.

Maybe could be another reasons that you could think justify that kind of " audiophiles " attitude.


Look, in the MF review of the SAT XD 1 TT with a price tag over 280K and with almost same cartridges on both this is what MF said about the Rega RP 10  with its humble price tag of only . 6K  ! !   


" The XD1 shares some sonic characteristics with Rega's revolutionary RP 10 turntable: ultrafast, clean transients throughout the audible frequency range; tight, fast bass; revealing midrange transparency; and overall sonic stability and focus. All these characteristics result, apparently, from careful attention paid to structural rigidity and the removal or prevention of unwanted vibrational energy. "


I know very well the RP10 and could be a challenge for any of those " heavy metal " ones that you and your audio friends touted so much.


What do you think about?



Hi everyone,

following up on the dava. I got my dava ref with tube power supply .

my set up now has 3 arms on 2 tables 

1. dava ref on Durand tosca arm on nvs ref turntable 

2. ortofon Anna diamond on kuzma 4 point 11” with Kondo silver wiring 

3. Lyra atlas etna sl on discovery rs toneram on krono pro turntable with Kubala sosna realization cabling .

the dava and Lyra are connected to the current amplification mode of my ch precision p1 with x1, the ortofon is connected to the voltage amplification mm/mc input of the ch.

my impressions after listening for a short period 

the Lyra , Kronos is the best with regard to soundstage , details , impact , micro and macrodynamics. Give it a score of 9.5 music soars and is big.

the dava , Durand nvs and the ortofon kuzma nvs score around 8. Both sound very diff… very musical both of them … will give hrs of listening pleasure but lack the air space and impact of the Kronos.

dava has been burning in and fortunately I have zero noise issues with it .

Does anyone have any recommendations on loading for the ortofon Anna diamond , and also any thoughts on a step up transformer… 

The low outputs and low impedence of the Lyra and dava work great with the current amplification in the ch precision 

Dear @newtoncr  : Well I think that you have the Anna diamond Ortofon recomendation that's higher than 10ohm and the cartridge it self is not sensitive ( as any LOMC cartridge ) to impedance changes if sounds different changing the impedance then that " problem " comes by the phono stage design.


A SUT goes totally against the Ortofon or any other LOMC and you don't need that instead the direct CH high gain stage be changed not only for the SUT but those additional input/output/solder joints and IC cables where the cartridge signal mus pass through and don't forget the SUT internal construction/wire.


If I was you I just forgeret about the SUT. Obviously is up to you but there is no active/sut combination that can outperforms your CH active high gain stage.



@rauliruegas Be careful, there are a bunch of folk who believe that the ’terrible 3012’ tonearm is the ne plus ultra! These very same folk will come and bash you at every chance they get.

I’m with you, the 3012 is a great tonearm, if you are oblivious to bearing chatter, LOL.

Bonzo, your zeal for traveling all over Europe to audition these very eccentric systems and then to try to describe what you heard is commendable and makes fun reading, if I’ve even heard of the gear in the first place. In the photos, where did you hear Maggies backed up against glass doors? Even with the makeshift baffle that can’t be good. Anyway, now I feel normal compared to some of those guys. Which is therapeutic.