Something strange with imaging

Hello all,

I am using a Kuzma Stabi S turntable with Stogi tonearm and Soundsmith modified Sumiko Blackbird.  I have 2 preamps I use for the player.  An EAR 864 and a Parasound JC3/JC2 combo.  I don't play vinyl often.  Something strange has been happening lately. The image has been pulling to the left.  It happens with both pre-amps. First thought was the cables from the player.  I switched the right to left an left to right.  Low and behold , the imaging was spot on, albeit reversed.  This occurs with both pre-amps. Could it be a stylus azimuth or VTA  issue?  Any thoughts?


Not a good idea to judge channel balance with a stereo recording, because you don’t know what the recording engineer had in mind. Better to use a mono LP and listen for a centered image.

your seemingly conflicting results could reflect differences in stereo recordings.

Image position follows the tweeter, as I found out when one of mine failed.

You’ve established that the issue is somewhere before the phonostage, a dameged cable with a higher capacitance on one channel might be involved but I think it a long shot. What happens if you swap channels at the cartridge tags and the phonostage input? 


Try another cartridge.


How are you setting bias?  If you do end up sending the blackbird back to Soundsmith get them to assess the wear on the stylus and condition of the suspension. This can tell you if you’re getting it close enough.


@yeti42  : When the OP revered the cables everything is ok, so I don't think the cartridge could have a problem with stylus/suspension because if it had then in both situations the OP was hearing the same but in the other channel.

