What's the bottom line on Oppo 980 for CD playback

Ok, apparently no uni player excells at CD playback. I'd like to get something that isn't obsolete right out of the box. Can this thing really satisfy me as a CD player? What about these reports I have heard about it cutting off the first few seconds of every disc? Are you having this problem? Is anybody really using it for CD enough to care? For now, I don't care about SACD, Video, DVDA, Multi Channel, etc. I heard the Cary DVD 8 at over $1000. and was unimpressed, especially when compared to their $4000. CD player. Where should I turn? Cambridge 740? Music Hall 25? Any DVDers that are good with CD? Thanks for any info or input, Chris H.
If you click on "system" you can see what equipment I use now and have in the past.

I use the Oppo as a transport and use a Benchmark DAC feeding a tube amp. The Benchmark is very revealing but not harsh. The tube amp is not soft and romantic and more SS sounding. I chose the Benchmark because of the volume control.

PS Audio DACs are smoother sounding and may compliment your Bryston amp better. This is only a guess as I never have used these products.

I went the DAC route as I want to get a BluRay player in the future and use it for movies and music. The DAC allows me to do this w/o compromising the sound.
I used to think my OPPO 980 was good. {It is wonderful for video}

I recently hooked up the Playstation 1 and now have a much more detailed player.

Very happy with the PS1. {1001 model}

Mjcmt, sorry for the late reply but your evaluation of the Oppo 980H's performance is not as a stand alone player but as a transport?
Further to the above comment, it looks like you are using a 970 and not the 980h which was inquired about.

I do use the 970 as a transport, but started out using it as a stand alone unit for 1 year. When I bought it, the 970 and 980 were both available similtaneously. I bought the 970 because the Absolute sound said the 970 was better sounding and the 980 was a bit harsher. Since the 970 is not available the A-sound now recommends the 980 as they only recommend current products.

At the time I owned the 970 I also owned the Consonance CD120 Linear cdp at $995 USD. The Consonance was vastly better. My previous cdp, the Cary 308 was also better by a large margine. You will notice the difference in finese, soundstage, and elegance of presentation. But the Oppo does get most thing correct, just after using it for a while I noticed a roughness that bothered me.

I since sold the Consonance a bought the Benchmark DAC to use with the Oppo. I went the DAC route because I can use its analogue volume output direct into a tube amp and upgrade the source later. I will upgrade the Oppo sometime to a better DVD or BluRay player.

If using the Oppo with an outboard DAC use the Raw digital output setting, as the PCM setting does use some of the internal digital soundfield processing. With the PCM output > DAC it sounds like a $900 cdp, but with Raw output > DAC it sound much much better, maybe a $1.5k-2k cdp.

I hope this helps clarify my uses of the Oppo 970.