Problems with forum lag/performance?

Whether I'm running Chromium or Brave, I get weird lag when I load Audiogon Forum pages.  If I load too many tabs, it'll drag my entire machine until I have to physically reset it.

Desktop is Linux Mint 20.3.  Browsers are Chromium and Brave.


Running Chrome on an M1 Mac Mini with a WiFi connection to my router I have no lag at all, even when going through a VPN.

I was having problems connecting and posting in the forums up until a couple of weeks ago, everything seems fine now.  It didn’t matter if I used my iPad or Windows based computer.  I guess something got fixed. 

I turned off my ad blocker.  Didn't do any good.  So, now I'm trying it from Firefox.

It's a pain in the neck (or three feet lower) to do it like this, because I have my email open in Chromium.  I guess I'll have to keep an email tab open in Firefox, now.  /sigh

Audiogon often does that so browser does not matter at all. 

This site is developed and maintained by amateurs and practicing students so don't expect it to work perfect.