Pass Labs Int 25 vs Int 60

I'm curious if anyone has had a chance to listen to these two integrated amplifiers.

I know the Int 25 is basically the XA25 with a preamp. The Int 60 runs class A to 30 watts (and uses the same preamp) so maybe it's more closely related to the XA30.8, though I don't believe I've read that anywhere.

Anyway, I think from a power perspective both will be fine with my 90db floorstanders. My main question is which is the warmer, smoother of the two amps? Even if that means being darker and more veiled, I would want to go with that amp!


According to your experiences, for lower volume listening (55-60dB) would INT-25 be sufficient to drive speakers with sensitivity 91dB at 6ohm?

agree 100% w @mesch

int25 under those conditions is plenty plenty - even 'baby' pass amps are stout into low impedance loads

We all have our favorites.  I found Pass gear too warm and soft sounding.  Also not a fan of the heat and weight of their amps.  Clearly, very well engineered and built components, just not for me.  After a ton of gear over the years, I landed on Ayre. Love their house sound.  Also, like Pass, impeccably designed and made in the USA.

I use my INT-25 With 88dbs Sonus Faber olympica II. It sound so damn good at any volume level. Plenty of power as well