Will a new DAC make an improvement in sound?

My present DAC is a 5-6 year old Stellavox ST2. Online at http://www.stellavox.com/st2.html

My question is, will I improve my sound noticeably if I buy a newer DAC such as the Benchmark DAC1?

I have a good system, Avalon Eidolon and BAT electronics, so if there is a decided difference, I would be glad to hear it. Plus the price of the Benchmark DAC is not too formidable, which is a big plus.

Any opinions would be appreciated.

thank you
I find it a bit silly that someone who purchased Avalon's and BAT electronice would dabble with entry level outboard DAC's. Audition some great players and then buy one!
I agree w/Dave_b above. I have a pretty "good" system and am also looking for a DAC, but something that will BETTER my upgraded Esoteric DACs by a bunch. Logic tells me this won't be found at the sub-$1K level - I am looking for "jaw-dropping" in the context of MY system, not somebody else's $5K system, and would expect to have to pay for such performance, if it exists. While I am open-minded, I am also realistic. I think you should probably be as well, which is what Dave_b is saying, but that just my opinion of course. Hope this helps - it might save you a lot of time.......
Simple answer is yes.... I purchased a Monarchy NM24 that uses 6922 tubes very nice....but I transformed the unit by adding Amperex NOS 1950 d-getters and replacing the 2 coupling caps(Wima 2.7's) to Mundorf M-supremes...I also increased the wire gauge size on the connection(minor detail).This stock 1100 Dac went to a dac sounding like it should cost 5k or more. Now I know most won't go through the trouble but for me it made sense....This is a well made and designed DAC. So for 1500 hundred invested it's a good chance.
yes. if the new dac has better quality and you existing dac in your player. but consider usb dac and run from PC. it make a hell of nice transport. Monica USB, paradisea, Benchmark DAC USB are few of them