Gustard R26

Is anyone else looking forward to the reviews coming out on the Gustard R26 r2rDac? I am interested to see if it can compete with the Holo Spring at a lower price point. How will it stand up to the other r2r dac’s out there right now. It does present well and is feature rich right out of the box. Is it a true proprietary resistor board or is it off the shelf and tweaked? I know the other Gustard equipment is well received and liked so my hopes are high for this as well.


@soix I have used more extenders in the past than I can count some where better then others. As it turns out I have a very robust mesh wifi setup in my home; Asus RT-AX88U as the main router link to my modem and three RT-AX86U Pro's mesh chained around my home incredibly robust I highly recommend the Asus AiMesh system one of the best I've come across pricey but worth every penny.

Thank you for the insight.


The good news is just trying running an Ethernet cable from an extender is pretty cheap to try out, so why not?

i think this troll would rather come here and type his garbage ... probably an april fool’s day joke, and the joke is on us... so he has awesome mesh through his house, can even recommend the best mesh to all here reading... but doesn’t have a lan out for his dac... sheesh 🙄


@jjss49 Scratching my head as to how we went from Wi-Fi to having a mesh setup. If you have a mesh system why not just run a cable?  Something’s amiss here. 10 minutes I’ll never get back.

@soix @jjss49 Now we are name calling...A MESH system is a type WI-FI system.They are not two different protocals it is baffling how commited you are to something you obviously know nothing the point of name calling.

It truly amazes me how ignorant some of you are pretending to know what you're talking about and abosolutely don't. My wireless routers are not in the same room as the system I would use the Gustard in is that so hard to comprehend as a possibility??? And in this case fact. Equipment should serve me not the other way around.

And since we are going there and I tried being extender is just that an extender it does not improve wifi signal in any way simply extends it.They've sold "boosters" in the past but that was merely snake oil.YOU will not get LAN quality (if you think that means anything) from a wi-fi extender additionally like anything else that depends on the quality of the extender output as well many cheap extenders will output lesser signal than the source point, you'll get on the internet but thats about it, sheesh

I cannot understand why you two cannot accept I am not interested in running a lan line from another room or incur the expense of an extender and simply want to wait for a wireless or non streaming R2R from Gustard. Lastly did it ever occur to either of you that I may already have excellent separate streamer(s) boxes and perfer to keep it that way? I already have several and really like them and not interested in paying for and duplicating an already 3X owned  function,no you did not ask if or how I currently stream just insist I accomadate the Gustard and than attack.

Thinking  wireless mesh is different from wi-fi says it all, you guys are scary...

@balooo2 Do you run an Ethernet cable from your mesh node to your streamer? You keep leaving pertinent pieces of information out of your posts, which is why we’re confused here. Or were we just supposed to magically know that you’re running a mesh system? When you say you’re using Wi-Fi no one will then assume you’re using a mesh system, which is a big difference. You don’t even seem to understand that if you run a mesh system you don’t need to run a line from another room, which is the whole point. Duh. Whatever. This is a mess. @jjss49 I agree this is troll city — too many inconsistencies give it away. I don’t believe you’re even running a mesh system or you would’ve mentioned it earlier and understood it obviates the need for a long run of cable, and I’m out.