are older Naim integrated amps considered high current?

I see alot of NAIM used amps selling locally at good prices and wnat to pick one up , i.e. first edition  NAIM Nait XS

would units like this be considered high current?


thanks in advance



searching for a used $1.5k-ish high current integrated

I see Regas in that price  range also

any other recommendations would be appreciated also


high or low current are words, descriptives that are held in the eye of the beholder

that said, naims are considered by the knowledgeable owner base over time to be pretty stout in delivering current into lower impedance, tough loads beyond what their traditionally fairly modest and conservative power ratings would superficially indicate

What are you trying to drive, how big of a room and how loud do you want it?  Most speakers don't need alot of power to make loud noises, typically they only draw a few watts in most usage, but that really depends upon those 3 questions. The NAIM XS is very impressive for its size and weight but there may be better options in that price range depending upon your needs. Personally I'd look for a Willsenton R8.