Cable/Fuse Direction Matters?

I've been following several threads and there are several references to this "Phenomenon".

I've just finished some interconnect upgrades and got me wondering whether it happens in cables regardless of connector type

E.g. does it occur more frequently in cables with RCA connectors or equally spread across cables with DIN or XLR?

A similar effect also appears to be true for fuses

So here's my question - is there some dark force out there that seems to alter the laws of physics as we understand them?

OR - is it simply a case that both fuses and interconnects are actually seating better when connected one way as opposed to the other way?

if someone has a logical explanation for this please post it

However, I cannot see how that same reasoning can be applied to fuses
On my VAC Sig MKIIa pre, I can easily hear the Hifi Tuning Supreme fuse directions. In the wrong direction, it sounds like out of phase. Image is fat, round, no weight ... I confirmed results with several VAC pre owners.

I asked Kevin Hayes and he said in theory, due to the design of the pre, fuse should not make a difference. I try not to think too hard and just trust my ears.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. All wire is directional and if interconnects and fuse directionality are audible one supposes that somebody somewhere ought to get on the ball and ensure directionality for ALL wire and cable, including transformers, internal wiring of electronics and speakers, etc.
I agree with Knghifi in regards to the Hifi tuning brand doubt there is a correct direction for them in all components I have tried. I have not heard those differences when changing direction of standard fuses.
Ok - after giving this some thought here's what I believe might be happening...

Since all wire is directional and as such, has a slight rectification effect...

- In one direction that effect is operating on the bottom side of the AC that is being inverted - this might add to waveform inversion distortions

- in the other direction that effect will be operating on the top side of the AC - so now both the top side and the bottom side will be distorted

It's clear that changing direction effects the waveform of the rectified signal differently which results in degraded sound in one direction and better sound in the other - as to which way is best - all you can do is try it and see what sounds best

I agree with geoffkait - manufacturers should be taking this into account.

Since this effect is not witnessed by everyone might suggest that some designs negate the effect and others do not

I think it is clear that it is probably related to components/cables/fuses and most certainly individuals ears

At least I now have an understanding based on reasoning - that alone takes the guesswork out of problem solving

Thanks to all who participated.

I do trust my ears, but it's nice to understand why :-)
Question WRT directionality in silver cables...

Has anyone witnessed the same directional issues in silver cables?

Does it pertain to copper cables only?

Is the effect more, or less obvious with silver cables?
