Question on Emm labs Dac6 vs Dac6e

I am considering to purchase a pre-owned Meitner separate, very much confused for the models, especially some has Dac6, some Dac6e, I know the latest are DAC 6e SE, can anyone tell me what is difference between Dac6 and 6e, is it significant as 6e to 6eSE?
I have compared side by side the X-01 (original) with Bermester 001 and Bel Canto PL1-A. See:
I have not had the opportunity of doing a/b tests of the original or the limited against any current multi-box offerings. However Audiogoner Babybear owned an X-01 Limited --; he has done the comparison with TEAC P03/D03; as a result is currently proud owner of a TEAC D-03/P03/G0s combo. Audiogoner Gshelley used to won TEAC P03/D03/G0s but prefers his current DCS Puccini-based stack, which includes external clock. I have heard both but have not compared them side by side; I suspect I may have a preference for the TEAC stack. Please note that the DCS stack as well as PD contain a TEAC
VRDS Neo transport mechanism similar to that found in Teac X-03. I believe EMM combos may contain a Philips drive. G.
the dcs puccini is a one box design. when you say "dcs stack", do you mean the paganini?
Yes Maxx2man, Paganini it is I suspect. Apologies for confusion. DCS Rig includes external clock if I recall correctly.
is it Teac VRDS Neo transport mechanism much superior than Philips or sony scd-1 in general consensus?
TEAC VRDS NEOs are all metal mechanisms ranging in weight between 8lbs and I suspect about 20lbs, depending on models. They are frightfully expensive to build. Even the lower end models -- which TEAC makes available to OEMs -- is sold for $2500. VRDS mechanisms are deemed to be extremely desirable by high end manufacturers when they can afford the price tag, because of their mechanical stability, precision of operation, general reliability. I know at least 3 companies that use them in some of their players: DCS, WADIA, Playback Designs, but there may be more. when a player features a VRDS transport, the fact is usually highlighted as a major selling point. To EMM's credit, if I recall correctly, TEAC did not yet sell its VRDS transports to OEMs when EMM was designing its player. You will find a lot of information on VRDS mechanisms by reading the TEAC America pages on players like the X-01, P03, P01. The OEM transport may be similar to that in the X-03. I believe the Philips OEM transports may be much less expensive and simple devices. Their use in players is almost by default.