PS Audio BHK 250 Power Amp owners?

I am considering some upgrades to my system, planning to go with a set of Magnepans and the right amp to drive them.

Reading about various powerful amps to drive Magnepans as they need, I am curious about the BHK250, which is hybrid amp with tube input stage and then a transistor output stage.  Being designed by Bascom King, it must be at least very good, if not excellent.  Instead of a Krell or Levinson or Pass amp I am thinking that a hybrid BHK amp might do the imaging part better than straight solid state while still supplying enough juice for the Magnepans.

So I would like to ask if any users here have or have had the BHK250, how you liked it, what speakers you drove with it.  And if you got rid of it, what were the main reasons.  


the bhk250 sterep amp is rated at 250 wpc into 8, fully doubling into 4

so based on the specs alone one would think they would have no trouble driving any of the maggies to very nice levels in any normal domestic listening enviroment

i do recall some years back when the amp first hit the market and was all the rage that there were a few people saying that the amp would shut down or go into safety mode when they pushed it hard... don’t remember if it was maggies or soundlabs or which panel speaker... iirc the conclusion at the end of that tortured discussion was that that particular unit was defective

i also recall that folks reported that the amp sounded its best when using its balanced inputs (it is a dual differential circuit amp, so that makes perfect sense)

I recall reading that Sanders amps are powerful but don't sound so great.  I will look on the PS Audio website to try to learn more about the BHKs.  Thanks.

Sanders Magtech are made for Maggies.  I've had Magtechs on 3.7, 3.7i, and 20.7.   Hard to beat that synergy.  I no longer have Maggies but I kept a Magtech on my Revel 328BE and it's staying there.   I've never heard/read a Maggie owner say anything to what you may have read.  They are loved once they are on a correctly setup pair of planars. There is 30-day in-home trial and I got a lifetime warranty, don't know who's lifetime however.