Legacy Audio "V" Statement/Flagship Speaker...

Wondering if anyone heard them at RMAF 2014 and could share some listening impressions. The photos that are starting to pop up certainly make a profound statement as to how beautiful they are....
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
Yo Z - I'll come to Greenville and hear your rig! Not that far from the dash. Plus I owned Focus HDs for a couple years, loved them. The neighbors didn't though.
Tobb: Where are you on the West Coast? I get out there for work at times....would love to hang out and listen!

Scott: Let's hook up over the in-mail system here and figure out dates to get together!
BTW....hung out at Legacy for few hours this past week since I was nearby in STL on business. Spent all that time with the Vs....what an amazing speaker. They fill the room with an amazingly dense, 3D and musical soundstage; they really are a SOTA speaker. I fear they are bigger than even my new room can handle, though they do an amazing job at extremely low volume levels still filling the room with all I mentioned above. They are incredibly lifelike in terms of the music they convey. I will say however, every time I've "Listened upwards" in the Legacy and many other lines over the years, I've left the listening room usually with a desire to move up the chain as soon as humanly possible. Thanks to the AERIS however, this is the first time I believe I've ever left the room knowing just how good what I just listened to were but also just how good what I was returning home to were as well. Believe me, if I had two sizable rooms and unlimited budget and/or better WAF, and/or a very large room so that I could have both sets of speakers up front and swap between them and/or better WAF :-) , in all of these cases, I would have BOTH "V" and AERIS beyond a shadow of a doubt given what I've just heard for the 2nd time....
Hope you all have been doing well...I recently exchanged the XILICA 4080 DSP for the newest WAVELET setup for AERIS target functions and the results are very impressive with this combo; the WAVELET removed the 2-3 issues I had left with room interaction in certain bass frequency discrete ranges, and timing and coherency of the overall image. The results are dramatically better and extremely enjoyable. I'm also testing a bespoke DC power supply replacement for stock wall wort DC power supply that ships with Wavelet. Larry at HDPlex did one hell of a job building a 100W linear, regulated DC power supply with XLR5pin to XLR5pin cable output to route audio-grade DC into the Wavelet.   The system performance and that of the Wavelet took a jump within a very short period of time with this new power supply upgrade....very impressive(!), write me here on on private email for more detail.