audiophile music servers the latest products, info

I am very interested in a music server and would like to know more about the latest products and information. I have been doing homework and still not sure if I can get the best audiophile sound out of a server. I have Wilson Audio W/P 7s and Krell 350 Mono blocks. I would love the convenence of puting all my 1,500 CD on a hard drive, but if I have to sacrifice any sound quality I will pass for now. My question is, is there a product out there now that is up-to-speed with the best CD players? Which ones? and what options should I be looking at? Thanks for your feedback!!!!
I am in the same boat. I was hoping for Sonos to be the answer, but even with mods/dac's, etc., it did not keep up wiht my CDP.

I am closely watching the new transport/DAC/NAS system that PS Audio has scheduled to release in the near future.

There are very lengthy discussions about it on their website.

My fingers are crossed that this is what we are looking for.

There are probably a hundred threads which answer your questions on Audiogon. Just try a little harder to find them. The short answer is yet, even the CEO of SimAudio has admitted that a hard-drive based system with DAC can outperform his top of the line CD player. I would begin looking at a number of USB DAC's (Benchmark, Bel Canto, etc...) and a MAC Mini computer with external hard-drive. Going that route you could even use an iPod touch to access the music on your hard-drive.
The analog output from any of the music server/Sonos/SB3 is a waste of time. I have a fully modified Bolder Sb3 and it does not come close to an external high quality DAC. The key is a very good quality DAC and then you can get rid of your expensive cdp.
I have switched over to music server a year ago and have never looked back.