Q on connecting Benchmark DAC3HGC to AHB2

So I finally got my components for my setup, im a newbie and don’t want to fry anything and out of the gate I’m lost.

my setup consists of :

Benchmark AHB2

Benchmark DAC3 HGC

Totem 1 bookshelf  speakers

 Cambridge Audio Azur 840C CD player

Bluesound Node

For now I’m just impatient and curious to get sound, so I will hook up the CD player first as I know I will have some head wrecking setting up the Node.

So, to get the DAC3 connected to the amp I have a left and a right socket on the DAC. On the amp there is no “left” or “right”, only “2 in” and “1 in/mono in”, so not sure which of these the left and the right DAC should plug into.

This should be very basic but I don’t want to damage anything.

Next, on the CD player I’m guessing I use an RCA type cable to plug into the digital outs (SP Dif, coaxial)? If so would that cable then plug into the “D3 or D4” input socket on the DAC?

Sorry to be so naive but I have read the manuals but no mention as I guess they assume everybody isn’t as stupid as me.



Assume your CH1 is your left ch and CH2 is your right ch. 

Connect your DAC3 XLR outs to the amp accordingly. 
Use a digital cable, not a regular RCA interconnect, to connect your cd player to DAC3 D3 or D4. 

Make sure your DAC3 is set as a preamp. When you set volume control to lowest setting then power it on, the volume control knob should not automatically turn (it will if it’s set to dac only mode).  Read instructions for DAC3 on how to toggle between these two modes. You need the preamp mode if you’re running the DAC3 direct into amp. 

You'll know if the DAC3 HGC is in 'DAC' mode if the 'HT' light on the front panel is lit. Otherwise you'll be OK.


Most likely your DAC3 HGC is also set for unattenuated output when using the balanced XLR connection. (If you've never opened the case to change this setting, then this is the default.) This means the AHB2 sensitivity switch on the back panel of the amp should be all the way down at the 9.8 Vrms / 22 dBu setting.

Thanks Yage…haven’t even gotten to switching anything on yet, just trying to make sure I have the connections correct first.