The problem with bananas, RCAs, and AC outlets has always been the need for a spring type elastic resistance, which copper is not very good at because it is a softer metal that deforms upon repeated loadings (i.e., plugging in and unplugging). This is why most bananas, RCAs, and AC outlets are commonly made from an alloy of copper, which of course will be less conductive than copper. Tellurium copper seems to be the best at about 93% of IACS (Copper is 100-101% IACS), while other alloys sometimes have much lower conductivity like Phosphor Bronze at 19% IACS. Spades are different since they are actually connected by mechanical compression from the binding posts and have no need for elasticity, which is why it is not uncommon to see pure copper spades.
Interestingly, I thought the KLE bananas used to advertise being silver plated pure copper but after reading the technical write-up in their brochure, it was not so clear to me. There is a lot of dancing around and referencing IACS but I did not see anywhere that they came right out and said exactly what the pin material is made from, except that it has silver plating and is apparently above 100% IACS in conductivity. I am sure they are very good, but I get skeptical when I read a technical description that appears to dance around the subject.