Dunlavy SC IV Speaker- Any Good???

Anyone own these ?

I realize the company is now Defunct

and was Colorado based. 

At 200 lbs each and 6 feet tall they

will not be missed in a room.

But they actually weigh the same as 

my last speakers but with only one third  the footprint.

Okay the little woman may see it as a lateral

move but...


I don't know what kaplandeisgn is talking about, but he's not correct about drivers needing to be reconed. I own 4 pairs of Dunlavy speakers; 2 pairs of SC-Vs, a pair of SC-IVs and a pair of SC-IIIs. I also own a SC-II.CC center channel. Out of 51 total drivers, not a single one has any issues.

The IVs and Vs are incredible speakers, and very accurate. If you want the truth, not a colored version of it, then you can't beat them.

John moved to Australia because the government was giving incentives to start businesses there. 

Dunlavy Audio Labs was based in Colorado after John moved back to the U.S., and picked up where he left off with the Duntech designs. In one of his interviews he said that the DAL models were far superior to the Duntech models due to his much-improved measuring equipment and his large anechoic chambers. He considered the Duntechs primitive in comparison.

Reviving this old post! Any one running Pass Labs With DAL? Well I am and the synergy is magical to say the least...

@pwayland which model pass and Dal do you have? I own Duntech Princess and I’m considering purchasing a pass amp. 

@btrail I have SM-1's and SC-S2 sub. The SM-1's are driven by an X150.5. Sound is detailed, soft and warm with wonderful imaging, mostly in that sweet listening position.. I find the SM-1 with sub similar in sound to my previously owned SC-IVA's, however hadn't experienced those with Pass...