Speakers and amplifiers show audiophiles are confused.

An audiophile buys a pair of speakers for $50K or $100K then asks what amps make them sound best. That’s about as smart as marrying a girl without knowing her personality. What are the specs that will insure your expensive new speakers and amps will work optimality with each other? There’s got to be an app for that, well no there isn’t because there are too many variables and companies don’t present their specs in a standard ways. Why is it that speaker and amplifier manufactures don’t recommend specific amps for their speakers? Beyond power, impedance, and making your own crossovers how do you choose amplifiers to get all the potential out of your speakers?


Never buy anything from a human that is trying to sell you on anything. Humans are far too dangerous for that. Know what you want first then get the best price you can.

DON’T watch TV, DON’T turn on the internet, DON’T read anything with ads, and have someone sort all of you mail for junk before looking at it.

This is ridiculous,

"If we asked people what they want they would have said faster horses"

Henry Ford

As for sales people, I don’t own any Apple products but could listen to Steve Jobs pitch them to me and be captivated.

Steve introducing the iPhone in 2007:


@grislybutter LOL I've had a few very nice conversations with 911 owners that will follow me into a grocery store and comment on my car. Great people who love performance and great design. 

@kota1 unless AXPONA changes my mind I'm going to get the HiFi Rise to go with my new PS Audio DAC mk2. 

I've never bought a piece of audio equipment of any kind because of a salesmen. Can't wait to see how my system stacks up to the ones at AXPONA. 


Sounds like fun, remember to check out the Carver room and Bryston, hopefully Bryston will be demoing their active speakers. I bought my first pair of decent speakers thanks to a good salesman who steered me to a brand from the UK I had never heard of, Mission. I still have a warm spot for that brand. I like competent sale people because they know their gear and generally save me time, even over the phone (audioadvisor, crutchfield, etc).

the 911 is a unique design, and a pretty awesome series. I am in the Italian camp. Lancias, Alfa Romeos, Maseratis get me talking