tomcarr is mistaken; your speakers do not dip to 3 Ohms; they have a minimum impedance of ~ 5.5 Ohms at ~ 10 KHz. This speaker has very benign impedance and phase angle curves which make for a very easy to drive speaker. Regrettably, I consider tomcarr to also be mistaken in stating that they need current. At chez xeno, our North Creek cross-overed Matrix 801 Series 2 speakers are driven by 75 lb. custom tube monoblocks that use 2 BL7 and 4 KT77 tubes, making about 100 watts. The system can play much louder than I would ever want.
Suffice it to say, I agree with russ69, try the Rogue 100. I bet it sounds great :).
Saw your system photos; I’m curious about your 801’s crossovers; what are they? They look great...good for you for upgrading from the week link factory x-overs. Oh, and forget about the bass alignment filter, at least the B&W one; it steals the incredible detail that these speakers have without it. The Krell version is thought by some to avoid this problem, I don’t know, but I do know that I’m not willing to put anything between these amazing speakers and our amazing amps other than Silversmith’s amazing Fidelium speaker cables :)
Enjoy your great speakers!