Anybody here upgrade from Chord Qutest DAC"

Chord Qutest is a strong contender, especially with linear power supply, but I’m curious about greener pastures, or at least different-colored pastures. Think my system is good enough to notice: ear 868l pre, pass xa30.8, omega alnico Xrs speakers. Streaming only.

Anybody here upgrade from chord qutest with other chord dacs or different brands altogether? What improved, what was lost?

@ryder Also if you decide to buy a new power cable or strip, they are the worst for requiring long burn-in times.  Best of patience to you!

Thanks txp1. That’s it. The Furutech will be the one. I’ve actually shortlisted the e-TP609 NCF earlier but am not sure about spending the money. Looks like it is about time to get one into the system since it’s not wise to skimp on the power strip/conditioner that may hamper performance.

I already have the Furutech GTX-D NCF(R) power outlet and this one truly brings a huge difference when combined with Acrolink cords on my main components, amps and DAC. And yes, long break-in for the GTX-D NCF receptable, for me it's 300+ hours before I start to hear the magic!

@ryder  “ for me it’s 300+ hours before I start to hear the magic!”.
So true! I didn’t want to say this because most people don’t believe it. Power components are the worst for long burn-in times, cables, strips, conditioners, etc. If you’re fortunate you’ll hear improvements immediately. That just means you were already in power quality crap audio land. Burn-in will improve audio over time. I didn’t believe it until I experienced it decades ago.

After borrowing my friend's Cutest for a week, I bought DAVE and never looked back.  Very happy.  Added M-scaler.  even happier.


Good luck,


i too started with the lowest chords (mojo, 2qute, qutest) and then found great satisfaction from the m scaler/hugo tt2 combo which i have kept

chord dacs have a certain sound (vast yet precise imaging, energetic, see-through in clarity, perhaps a touch lean in the lower ones, gaining increasing richness of tone and bass weight as one moves up) and if they match up to your system needs they bring tremendous joy and articulation and sense of realism to a good system