Denafrips FPGA Firmware Update

In case there are any Denafrips DAC owners out there that are not aware of the FPGA Firmware Update, here's the link:

I did the update on my Ares II earlier today and am currently enjoying the results.  It is definitely an improvement without question.


I've made the firmware update to my Pontus II and it is a noticeable improvement.

I think the mids and highs sound more refined, but not harsh. Just a little cleaner.

I'm streaming from a Lindemann Limetree Bridge which I highly recommend.

Great and wide sound-stage and holographic effect.

I completed the frimware update on my AresII about a week ago. Used a PC with Windows 10. Made it through. Have an Audioquest NZ-3 power cord and a PS Audio power regenerator serving the DAC. DAC is set to NOS and Slow filter. Change is all positive. Everything from bass to treble is, my best description, more distinct and locked in. Just better and more fun. Also the occasional click when new tracts cycled up on the Pure Vinyl running Macbook are now absent.
FYI: According to the Area II User Manual the Slow/Sharp Filters only affect the sound of the DAC in OS Mode.

Old firmware versions now on line to download.

The link is the one in the original upgrade email from VINSHINE AUDIO, and there are now both new and old firmware available for download.

I'll be keeping my Pontus II at the latest FIRMWARE update. I hear more detail in music I am familiar with, and my music is mostly Jazz trio/quartet—which sounds lucious, wide, detailed and open. Quite happy!