I’m using D-Sonic M3a-600m mono blocks to drive some MMGs (I have 1.7is on order) and they sound good to me. But to be fair I’ve not side by side compared them to anything.
The store where I auditioned the 1.7s ran through Rogue Audio gear and they sounded good, even in that small, untreated space. I researched the Rogue audio stuff but it has tubes and I’m not interested in tubes for home audio. I could always add a Freda+ later if I wanted to mess with tubes.
The D-Sonics replaced a Parasound HCA-1500a power amp that I’ve had for almost 30 years and used it with some 1.6s with good results. Unfortunately the Parasound broke (more specifically I broke it changing speakers without shutting it off). I did have the amp repaired but it never sounded the same.
it sounds like you want to use your power amp as a tone control?