Transparent digital vs. Anaconda digital

Does anyone out there have experience with the Transparent Reference XL digital cable and/or the Shunyata Anaconda digital cable? Comments and opinions would be greatly appreciated.
I have the Transparent Ref XL, clock bnc to bnc and AES cables (trans to dac).

Both offer much improved performance off my prior digital the point felt like I got a new DAC....

I am aware of the specs. But what I an interested in knowing is what people are hearing.
Audio is all about a personal preference.

The Transarent gives a more intimate stage compared to the Shunyata.
Shunyata makes instruments and voices bigger. This is one of the things I hate most. Why? Because instruments and voices are rather small in proportion in real.

Transparent gives a more realistic image. That is why it is more intimate. When I let people hear between an intimate stage and a stage which is rather big. People prefer a more intimate stage. This is a very important part for the emotion music can give.