Schiit Yggdrasil Less is More, is it a quality dac ?

Hi, I am very interested in the Schiit Yggdrasil Less Is More dac

I am wondering if it can compete with Gustard r26 or Denefrips Pontus to name a few, also as I live in a remote region of the world, how is the quality, construction vise?

Anyone have any experience with this dac ?

Ps. I use a Primare Dac30 and have enjoyed it for many years, but was wondering if something better was out there that doesn’t cost crazy money.



I own an Yggdrasil A2 (before the latest Less is More variant). Also owned a Terminator which I sold for a Terminator Plus. I think the Yggy is a decent DAC for the money, but I've had a friend's Gumby MB over to compare and thought that DAC offered better value (not much different than my Yggy). 

Compared to my the Terminator (circa early 2000), the Yggy was a bit more forward sounding with a shallower soundstage. It was also a bit fatiguing after a few hours. I've had the Terminator Plus for a couple years now, so it's been a while since I compared the original Terminator to the Yggy. 

The Terminator Plus with Gaia has more detail while at the same time being smoother sounding and easy to listen to for hours on end. 

I haven't heard the lower-end Denafrips DACs, but I'm very happy with my Terminator Plus. But of course, its a much more expensive DAC. 

i would concur with what is covered in the last couple posts, given my own experience with schiit and denafrips dacs

in the schitt line, i also felt the gumby was the sweet spot, just as i felt the pontus was that in the denafrips line

yggy and terminator brought the treble forward significantly, sounded more hifi, more robotic, less natural to my ears -- of course, overall the terminator is better than the yggy (og i tried) all around, just as the pontus is somwhat better sounding overall than the gumby

for the schiit dacs, the clicking of the internal relay when the streaming sample rate was changed between songs drove me crazy, compelled me to sell them off

similarly, for the denafrips, i was using a bluesound node 2i at the time as the streamer, and with its rca digital output, there was a major compatibility issue with the pontus/pontus 2 input receiver card, that was a total pain the butt

in the end, i moved through these makers, and then sonnet/metrum, ayre, musical paradise, ps audio ... towards chord, mhdt, audio mirror, audio note, bricasti ... then eventually to the msb and weiss units which i currently have (along with the chord m scaler/hugo tt2 stack, among a few others)


Its a great DAC... I sold it and upgraded to a PS Audio Directstream mk 1- which was clearly better in all sonic ways. In fairness , the Yiggy was 2300- and the Directstream was 6K. The point being you can get mint PS Audio Directstream used currently for 2500 or less. Both these DAC's are very good..but the Directstream MK 1 at another level.