Looking for Tonearm Advice/Suggestions

I am looking down the road at potentially upgrading my tonearm and cartridge (tonearm first) and would greatly appreciate any advice and suggestions this board may have.  I have always received great feedback from the Audiogon community and I always learn a lot when asking these questions so thanks in advance for your help.

Here is my current setup:

  • Dr. Feickert Volare turntable
  • Jelco TK-850S tonearm
  • Lyra Delos MC cartridge
  • Manley Chinook phono stage
  • Prima Luna Dialogue HP Premium integrated amp
  • Dynaudio Contour S 3.4LE speakers
  • Twin REL T/9i subs
  • Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cables
  • Innuos Zenith music server
  • Lumin T2 streamer
  • Bryston CD player
  • AudioQuest Niagara 1200 Power Conditioner

I listen to variety of music but mainly classic rock, country/folk (not bro-country) and singer/songwriter. I prefer listening to vinyl although I also still play CD’s as well as stream. Overall I have put this system together trying to minimize harshness as I gravitate to a “warmer” sound. In thinking about a tonearm upgrade I am considering the Kuzma Stogi 9 or possibly the Reed 1h 9.5.  Down the road I would love a Hana Unami Red cartridge but not sure I want to pay that price.  The Unami Blue is also a consideration.

I’m not in a hurry but would greatly appreciate your thoughts on these tonearm options as well as cartridges. I know there are many other tonearms out there and countless combinations so feel free to lob in any thoughts you have.  I am all ears and open minded.

Many thanks,







Ag insider logo xs@2xpuppyt

This is a belated thank you for these suggestions. Some good items for me to research.


All above suggestions are great,but YOU should take a listen at local dealers to see if sonic differences justify the price.Good luck fellow audiophile. 

@andrehighend I find it very difficult comparing tonearms. Dealers may have different tables with different arms and different cartridges so not easy telling what is what IMO