Surreal Speakers: Made to order in Virginia, USA

My wife and I have just returned from a listening session at Surreal's auditioning room in White Stone, VA, and we have been super-impressed with these speakers and the marvelous musical experience they create! I'm convinced that the newest version of the Surreal Speakers out-perform speakers at twice their price.

Over the past three years, I've watched Surreal evolve these speakers. Today's listening session convinces me that the designers have really achieved the promise that these speakers have suggested since day one. These speakers integrate seamlessly across the frequency spectrum, deliver exceptional dynamics and resolution, and deliver superb results with tube amplification of as little as 30 watts per channel.

The speakers operate with a single cross-over at 135hz. The sound above this crossover comes from a single driver per side for exceptional coherence and soundstage precision. Crossing over below 135hz are six dynamic 10" woofers per side in a dipole array for incredibly fast, dynamic and highly resolved bass reproduction. This woofer cabinet is fast enough and accurate enough to mate seamlessly with electrostatic speakers. With the dynamic drivers used by Surreal on the top, the sound of the entire speaker is completely coherent.

If you are anywhere near Virginia, scheduling an audition of these speakers will reward your effort in doing so.

Surreal Speakers:
Mofimadness, I asked Surreal Speakers to give me a summary
of their current pricing and received the following reply:

"With the Tangband drivers, the cost is $16,900 plus shipping. In the new version with the German AER field coil drivers (the version you heard yesterday) the cost is $32,550 plus shipping. We have a few lightly used demo versions which can be had at a discount. Anyone who's interested in learning more should contact us directly through our website. We encourage interested listeners to make an appointment to hear these in person. To help make an audition more practical to consider, we will credit a purchaser's reasonable cost of travel for an audition against the purchase price."
I understand the speaker is tube-friendly as well. FWIW I've known Ruston for years and he has no association with Surreal.
Thank you, Ralph. The speakers performed very well with your Atma-Sphere S-30 driving the monitor section (135hz and up). The entire set up makes for a very attractive "small footprint" system that delivers full frequency range, dynamic sound. Prokofiev's "Lt. Kije" on RCA was delivered with authority.
Nice call Rushton, I heard these speakers at the Capitol Audio Fest this year with Atmasphere amplification. They sounded very nice and the design and build of these speakers was beautiful.
Pops, thanks for sharing your experience with them. The pair at Capitol Audio Fest had the Lowther drivers with field coils. This newer version uses the AER drivers from Germany for even better sound quality. Color me very favorably impressed.