Transparent digital vs. Anaconda digital

Does anyone out there have experience with the Transparent Reference XL digital cable and/or the Shunyata Anaconda digital cable? Comments and opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your reply. I understand about properties, of course. But do you mean that everyone who enjoys Shunyata cables "are not aware how big an instrument or voice should be"? I was in touch yesterday with someone from the Audiogon forum whom we all know well and who has been around high end audio for decades. He totally contradicted what you are saying here about Shunyata cables. He has a full loom of Shunyata and prefers them over all other cables he has ever owned. So, what you are saying perplexes me. What you are saying is categorical and leaves no door open to other opinions.
Often at shows when Shunyata is used the image is too big. I go to shows with people who are also know in this world. We have the same thoughts.

Shunyata does not use silver, only copper. I can create things what with copper is not possible. I have proven this when clients had also expensive copper cables from other brands.

Audio is all about comparing. When you can achieve more details and a better separation than other competitors you will win. I love competition in audio a lot.

I use those products what give me a better endresult. This I can let people hear. When we go back to those other cables is it clear that there are less details and separation is less obvious.

I like things to be clear en easy to understand. During listening first I don't say anything. But later I explain things to make it more easy to understand. Then we listen again.

I love a full 3 dimensional stage with stunning blacks and separation. This makes listening to music very addictive.

With class A amps I have a lot of colours I want and need for a realistic sound. This I also use to the max.

Thanks for your reply. I note your use of the word "often" to qualify your observations.

Frankly, IMO, trying to listen to cables at shows where the systems are unfamiliar and the settings are often noisy may not be the best way to audition cables -- and to determine if the cables may be the cause of the out-sizing you are observing, or others "problems". Systems can be complex. There may be a number of reasons for what you are observing. I prefer to listen at home with a system I am familiar with -- and take the time in a quiet setting to isolate audio "problems". It is not normally possible to isolate these "problems" at shows, in my experience, because you are usually not free to experiment with cables and components at these venues. The result is that one is often left conjecturing about these problems -- and speculating about the possible causes.
At a few shops we had the same thoughts. Also at the distributer We heard the same kind of image we don't like.

I would suggest lend some Purist Audio Limited Edition and compare them. Then you know......

I have just inserted a Shunyata Python CX power cord and a Shunyata Zitron Anaconda digital cable. Images of instruments and vocals are the same as before insertion -- in proportion to the rest of the sound stage. No change.