Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

These dimensions are actually better. Your Bonello modes / third ascendency is now full (rather than missing one step) and now most of your bass modes fall squarely between notes with fewer needing attention.

Outboard crossovers will be available as plans or kits or finished products - in due time. Not yet. We'll also be offering an internal (significant) upgrade where the XO remains inboard but moves from behind the woofer to the cabinet bottom. Not yet ready for prime time.

Yes, tunable traps will address your bass mode issues. But I have a bigger problem with subwoofers, which was shared by Jim, but practically unavoidable in the Home Theater milieu. Short rant:

The ear-brain does a fine job of providing phantom fundamentals. When the harmonic structure suggests missing lower partials, we just make them up. Of course it's better to get them actually heard. However, when a subwoofer supplies the fundamentals, they are typically a full cycle behind the upper partials of the sound package. Depending on the cross-point, let's say it's like the lowest portion of the sound emanates from 20 to 50' behind the sonic image. I surmise that a larger than average segment of the Thiel population is tuned into the time element of music. As such, we, and I speak for myself, can find this delayed bass less than satisfying. The 2.2 is reflex bass, which does that bass delay crossover at 45Hz. Subwoofer crosspoint might be tried there for no further time-domain harm.  A sealed sub (such as Thiel's own) reproduces all the way down with no additional phase rotation in the deep bass. 



Thank You for addressing fundamental Subwoofer elements. Upon release, there is no doubt that your XO Packages will be a Hit among Thiel owners.


Happy Listening!

Hi again! While setting up a pair of SVS SB2000 subs in the listening room, of course I made a little playlist to examine the low end. This is how I found what might be the bass splat Tom described on 4/15 above. Somewhere I saw Boz Scaggs "Thanks to You" suggested and this audio example (recorded with my iphone) documents the noise coming from my right CS2.2 - no subwoofers, no left channel, from about 10 inches away. You can hear it at 8-11 seconds and again 22-24 seconds.

For reference, the Decibel X iphone app reported 60dB spl as measured 1 meter from the speaker during the splat. If I play it any softer, then the noise goes away and I never heard it on the left speaker. 

So now I'm interested in the XO solution when it becomes available, even though my normal listening never revealed this noise before. I guess now I'm suspicious.