I feel it is time to upgrade my 1977 system.......

I have been enjoying my Pioneer Spec 1 and Pioneer Spec 2 system for a very long time and I have been having issues that have exhausted my patience and nearest shop is 3 hours (each way) from home.  I only listen to my Music Hall TT that pleases me.  My speakers are from 1976 Altec Lansing Model 19 that have been freshend up and I love the sound, I guess because I have been so accustomed to them and I'm sure there are many diff speaker options but for now I wish to continue with the Altec's.  My quest is to replace my amp and preamp.........I have some logistical problems to deal with.  I have ONE!!!! location for new gear, a shelf that is 51 inchs long and 18 inches from a wall to the front edge of the shelf, shelf will handle 200lbs.  My Pioneer amp has ample power and I would like to remain close to the same amout of power.  If you have some ideas for me I would love to hear them.  Not sure how I feel about tube gear since I have no background at all so I (think) I'd rather not go that route, but feel free to change my mind.  Budget not to exceed 18k including cables.  I know there is a wealth of knowledge here unfortunately I have very little to offer so I thank you greatly in advance......


My girlfriend has an old Onkyo receiver and JBL floor-standing speakers from the 80s.  I got a WIIM mini network receiver with optical out into a small DAC that goes into the receiver with RCA cables.  I use a streaming app from my phone into the WIIM.  

It sounds really good.


Go ahead and splurge on a Luxman SQ-N150 Tube Integrated Amplifier.  $3300 and plenty of power for your Model 19s.  Looks cool and takes up very little space!
Spend some time auditioning speaker cables, power cables, and perhaps a dedicated circuit and power conditioner (if needed).  I would look at Shunyata.  And don't forget room conditioning!
I don't know what your table/arm/cart is, but you will have plenty of $ left over to upgrade if desired.

Note:  I ran my gray box Altec VOTT A-7s with a Dynamo ST-70 (modified and upgraded with a modified PAS 3x) for years and loved it!  Nice juicy tube sound!  The Luxman is much more accurate and less "tubey", but if I had your speakers I would certainly audition it.

As @carlsbad2 said, your Altecs are ungodly efficient.  You're probably never pulling more 10 watts and mostly never more than 3 or 4.    Those speakers were designed in the days of tube amps and are quite happy with them.  I think your best bet for tube amps would be those from VTA.  You can either enjoy the immense satisfaction of building them yourself from well made kits, or you can buy them fully assembled and tested.  

As efficient as your Altecs are, the ST-70 at 35 wpc will still be overkill.  I'd run them in triode mode at 20 wpc and you'll still have more than you need.


I’ve purchased a great sounding system for $10k. All purchased used. So yeah, it can easily be done. And it definitely helps to have purchased my speakers locally without worrying about shipping costs and damage.