Isolating CDP from weak wood floor

My CDP skips (alot) when my 25lb son dances on the wood floor in front of it (weak joists). I have a solid Manna rack and use MIB bearings under the CDP, but there is really no up/down isolation. I've also tried nothing, bubble wrap and some thick rubber/cork feet--no dice. I just looked at some Solid-Tech discs of silence, which seem like they might work- Before I shell out the $$, I thought I'd see if anyone else has faced this problem. Thanks. D
I have one spot in my music room that if anyone bounces on it, my CD players skip - unless I use some Artgum erasers. Nothing else has worked like them. You can find them at hobby/craft stores for like $0.80 a piece. This brand is the softest and so cheap it is at least worth a try.

Assuming you have a house & not an apartment. Get yourself a floorjack or two. All your compoents will thank you.
Skipping CD players is something I just can't understand. Mine don't. Even the ones in my cars when I go over the world class pot holes we have in western Mass.
I had in a previous home the same problem (the same Mana racks also then) which was solved ultimately through the following tweak :

Focal pods on the Mana shelf / 15mm perspex (acrylic) shelf / pulsar points under the cd player. I had the focal pods and pulsar points already so it was a cheap (but ultimately successful) solution.

My 90kg's proved not a problem on the old wooden floor after that !