LOUDEST Concert and Tinnitus

This is a two part question.

1. What is the loudest concert (or event) that you have attended?

2. How long have you had tinnitus, is it getting better or worse and how are you dealing with it?

Personally, the loudest concert was UB40 at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver. Loudest event was drag racing at SIR (Seattle International Raceway) which was like sticking your head in a jet engine.

Regarding tinnitus. Over the past year or so I have noticed a constant high pitched "sound" in my ears. Mostly the left ear. At this point I don't actually know if it is constant or whether I just forget about it sometimes. I know use a white noise box when I go to sleep. Otherwise I tend to fixate on the ringing.


Top three:

1. The Who 

2. ELP


The Who and Kiss were so loud and distorted it was hard to know what they were playing  ELP was amazingly loud and relatively clean sounding. 


What is the loudest concert (or event) that you have attended?

The loudest was Rush on the "Hold Your Fire" tour on 2/22/1988. House lights go out, the three stooges theme played and then the downbeat to "The Big Money". The pressure wave off the speaker array was so loud you could feel your clothing move and you were pushed back a bit. A good friend complained about ringing in his ears for days after. I did not have this happen just yet.

Fast forward 7/22/2011 and U2 @ Vanderbilt stadiumn. This one did me in. I was right by the stage and while I did not notice it at the time, after the show the ringing as there and stay with me for years. I thought it would never go away


How long have you had tinnitus, is it getting better or worse and how are you dealing with it?

After the U2 show I avoided all live events and even movie theaters for years. I used white noise therapy extensively, especially while going to bed at night and made adjustments in diet to reduce salt intake and other activities that could make it worse.

Eventually you start to map around it and do not hear it as much but it can take years to get to a point your do not notice it.. Note, it never truly goes away. The ringing corresponds to the frequencies you can no longer hear. What happens is the cilia in your ear is damaged and just continues to vibrate at all times. This is what produces the ringing.

Reduction in stress is very important as well.


I have only recently started going to shows again, but my audiology clinic make me custom ear molds for earring protection. They have custom inserts for various levels of reduction but typically I keep the -20dB insert in them. These work well and I do not experience any ringing after shows anymore.

If I've been going to loud concerts since the ’60s and considering my advanced age it's no wonder I can't tell the difference between live or Memorex

Two days ago, I had a flash-bang grenade detonate within close proximity of my head during a training session. I was not wearing ear protection. 1 ear drum ruptured and I’m experiencing VERY loud “test tone” tinnitus on both sides. I can barely engage in conversation and my own voice sounds like I’m speaking into an empty bucket. Brutal. I decided to power down my rig since I won’t be doing any listening anytime soon. as I was turning off the components, I couldn’t help but wonder if I’ll ever turn it on again…this should be an interesting adventure.


That's a great attitude.

Nothing to do with tinnitus but I've had to make similar mental adjustments myself.

No one ever tells you.

Best of luck with your recovery.

Ruptured eardrums are fairly common in boxing and people recover but no one talks about the extent of that recovery.