Speaker recommendations :-)

Hi there good people 

In short, wanted to hear your ideas. I am into jazz and acoustic music and this is my equipment list, maybe it will help. Listening room is around 50m2 of area.  At this moment i dont have speakers, sold last one already. ( Wilson Sophia 3 ). 

Lamm M1.2Ref. monos,  

Lamm LL1.1. preamp ,

Lamm LP1 Phono. 

dCS Apex Vivaldi Dac + Cd+ Clock + Upsampler

Turntable: Chronos Pro


I am not looking for the “best speakers in the Universe”, just wanted to hear some ideas , maybe they will lead to new  interesting synergy of my system.


Thank you for your time :-)



The Speaker bargain of the year that everyone at the Florida Hi Fi Expo and Axpona are talking about ...Borresen X3 @ 11K.......I spent more time in that room than any other.....Fit, Finish and sound was right up there with the 30-50 K guys.


But those speakers only have 4.5" woofers. They can’t make much bass. That's probably why they are priced what they are.


Ozzy....................35 HZ to 50 KHZ....Bass is super tight and DEEP...this is Borresen we are talking...not your Normal Dreck...You can't comment on something you haven't heard...You preach that!...Trickle down tech from a company that makes 150K speakers.....I like that.


You're right I have not heard them, but I will eventually. Many have stated how well they sound, so they must be on to something.
