Rank the top reference DACs you've heard

Usually the battle goes between DCS Vivaldi set and MSB Select II.

However, since Swiss/Japanese (boutique level) DACs are usually out of reach, we rarely read about ultra high end DACs and where they fit with the rest of the league ($5000-$100,000) price range. 

There are other topologies and SOTA designs floating around, what comes to mind:
- new DCS (above Vivaldi) flagship to be announced
- Wadax Atlantis Reference
- Esoteric Grandioso D1X (Dual Mono)
- TotalDAC Twelve Mk2
- Lampizator Golden Gate 2
- Chord Dave+mscaler
- CH Precision C1+X1 (Dual Mono) 
- Soulution 760
- Aries Cerat Kassandra Ref
- Aqua La Scala mkII Optologic
- EMM Labs DV2/DA2

I mentioned flagship DACs only since the list will be bigger and we will lose focus of the subject. It is interesting to know some of us "lurkers" or who has reached audio nirvana with his choice of DAC and what did he it compare with. The more input we get, the clearer the big picture will be. 

Let's go!

To me, "reference" DACs means High Fidelity more than anything else like "musicality" or "engaging" that are so subjective to evaluate. Those are the spice that you can add later by dsp, tube, or the placebo effects of your choice -- the price, build look...



’reference’ means nothing - simply what baseline one refers to in sound in comparing others

it is all about the experience level, system quality level, hearing acuity and taste of the person who is doing the comparisons

Nice to see all the PlayBack Designs love. I was questioning my need to 'upgrade' to that DAC. 

I would say that at the level Playback is at, “high fidelity” via detail, accuracy and staging is expected to be excellent and should be.  It is these intangibles (musicality, dynamics, etc…) that make you want Playback over its competition of vice versa.  Whether it be the Rockna, Aries Cerat, EMM or Playback DACs, each has something unique that separates them and makes them special.  

I have not owned many of the dacs listed but do have some experience with a few. I am running pass labs xa100.8 to power perlisten s7t with a holo audio serene preamp. YMMV.

I will start with the dac that did not work in this chain. The terminator plus was probably my biggest disappointment. Virtually flat, narrow soundstage with cramped imaging. Tonally it did nothing wrong but nothing really right either. It had plenty of detail. Voices did not fair well with a metallic sounding attack and decay.

I have also tried the chord mojo for my headphones and did audition the dave in my two channel. I am just not a fan of the chord house sound so take my opinion with a grain of salt. For some reason I just find it a tad boring, nothing I can pinpoint as wrong but to my ears, in my system, the synergy is missing, the staging and imaging does not place the musicians in the room and there seems to be a lack of micro-detail that adds a sense of realism. Everything sounds musically pleasing but for me lacks the vivid detail that transforms great sound in to great live sound.

The benchmark hpa4 and rme ad-2 came after. I loved both as far as price, features, especially the hpa4. I preferred the hpa4 soundstage as it was a bit wider. Both did surprisingly well w my focal utopia headphones as well as two channel. I give the edge to the benchmark because of the wider soundstage. Plenty of detail exposed through both, tone wise perhaps slightly on the analytical side of things. I really enjoyed my time with both.

Next came the holo audio may kte which was, imho, a hige step forward in my system. This dac I have spent the most time with. For the money I do not think it can be beat. The level of detail is really fantastic. The lack of noise helps to separate the instruments, ie imaging was pretty solid. The tone of this dac was much better than benchmark and rme. The soundstage perhaps was a tad narrower than the benchmark. It really did so much right I thought it was where I would end up, that was until…

I had a bartok apex loaned to me for a weekend. I had assumed I would be running detailed comparison between it and the may the entire weekend but my gf helped me with a blind a/b test, perhaps unfair as I am very familiar with the may. The difference honestly shocked me. The soundstage of the bartok was MUCH wider and deep. The imaging was nearly spot on. I listen to a lot of jazz, folk, pop vocal centered music, especially female driven vocalist. The reproduction of voices through the bartok in my chain is astounding. The singer is in the room with you, micro-detail is all there, but not like under a microscope where it comes at the cost of natural tone. The venue ambiance is beautifully replicated in my room. For headphone lovers the comparison between may and bartok is very much like comparing focal utopia vs susvara. I love the utopias for detail retrieval but their tone and musicality lean cold analytical. The susvara are much more natural, retaining that detail but with such a balanced tone I feel like I am present at the musical event vs analyzing it under a sonic microscope. Needless to say, the may was sold and bartok purchased.

I really want to try the mola mola, weiss helios, msb and of course the dcs rossini and vivaldi. It is a fun, expensive journey. One mostly traveled alone as each of us have distinct ears, chain, preferences and expectations. I just thought I would share my little snapshot. I am hoping to get the rossini apex in for an audition soon. I listened at a dealer w boulder amp and wilson audio alexxa but was a bit underwhelmed, remarkable imaging, best I have ever heard but there was a blurry muddiness to the vocals, as if all the high end energy and detail was missing. I am guessing it was perhaps the speakers at fault as it was a well though out room. But not sure where the problem was, hopefully not w the rossini.

What was odd was with the rossini clock removed the top end muddiness in the voice was cleaned up but there was a hole in the vocal midrange that made the voice sound hollow. So really could not get much out of the audition. Hopefully I can demo the rossini apex in my chain soon.