MQA actually tested

I got a Tidal subscription a few months ago with the hope of streaming hi res music rather than continuing to buy WAAYY overpriced files from HD tracks and the like....and while the Tidal catalogue is great, some of the Master files just seemed a bit, well, not so masterful. So I decided to listen to Master files in Tidal (full unfold) and compare them to 24/96 min FLAC that I already own, and there wasn’t a single file I owned that did not sound better in clarity and extension than the “Master” file I was comparing it to on Tidal.

I had heard a lot of thoughts from different manufacturers about MQA and just put them down as interesting but not proven since none of them offered anything but their testing etc.

then I came across this vid (. ) last night from a guy who managed to actually test MQA on Tidal using files he created and had loaded onto Tidal. VERY interesting results. First real tests I have seen of MQA and I can now see why my FLAC sounds better to me.
Might have to check out alternatives.


Regardless of whether or not the files being played back actually make your dog want to kill whoever's playing, the plan is for people to pay twice as much for their subscriptions, and buy new gear with an extra chip in it, so that Jay-z can save money on bandwidth without even having to use more.

Qobuz came to Canada today.  First song, within 5 seconds, it sounded like higher res compared to what Tidal didn't have.  No need for there to be an argument.  70% of the price, too.

My original post was that I was listening, or "using my ears to judge" as you so eloquently put it, to MQA files compared to my own FLAC collection and noticed a marked difference in that the FLAC was much richer and had better extension. The measurements, as I said, came after this realization, but only backed up what I was hearing.


The other ways of hearing the Original Higher Res Master Files (OHRMF), anybody else besides Tidal, don't have to hope their extra cheap MQA chip makes it sound identical.  Qobuz and Amazon cost less, too.  Qobuz's default player soundssss better than Tidal's, too, which is more important to sound quality than higher sample rates, though both work in Audirvana, my personal best sounding player so far.