Third Party Services - Phono Cartridge - Retip - Refurbish - Rebuild Services.

A Thread to add a List and Links to show where Third Party Services are available to offer a Retip - Refurbish - Rebuild, as well as make known the Cart’s that have been returned as a successful remediation.

If there is any information known off, that is seemingly related to the subject, there seems to be no reason not to copy/paste the info to this Thread, as means to consolidate information that might prove useful to somebody showing an interest in using a Service that is not from the Cart's Manufacturer. 

As a start:

Kilian Bakker - - Ortofon Vienna - Ortofon Cadenza Black - Ortofon Kontrapunkt b


Isn’t it best to list services with which one has had a personal experience?

A consolidated list will be a useful reference as time goes by.

It will be good to learn how certain Services has helped and what work has been undertaken when receiving a Donor Cart'.

I once indirectly helped a Transfiguration Proteus owner have a Coil Rewind on a Cart' they were selling for a very fair price as non-working model. Instead of finalising the purchase and having a attractive Donor Cart'. I made it known to the vendor, where there may be assistance with a remediation.

All's well that ends well, the Cart' owner for a very fair repair/shipping price, received a working Cart and were very outwardly greatful for the support on offer. The usual story was told, the Cart' as a refurbishment was seemingly performing better that any recollection if it during a previous use could muster.

Dear friends: In this forum thread ( 6 pages ) are almost all retippesr/services for phono cartridges that includes Joseph Long that's excellent and as I said in other thread he makes recoil as Northwest and a few others:


Cartridge Repairs, Retipping and Replacement Styli Suppliers. A list! (


I forgot this is JL:  860-338 0153