DACs with word clock output??

I am currently using an EMM DCC2se together with a Slim Devices Transporter. The Transporter has the capability to accept an external word clock, and the EMM dac has a word clock output. The minor hang-up lies in the fact that the EMM dac is limited to 16 bit data, e.g., it cannot see 24/96 files or HDCD files. BTW, the Transporter dac can see these files.

I'd like to find an alternative outboard dac that has (i) word clock output, and (ii) dacs that will read 24/96 files. The closest I find are Esoteric and DCS units that have word sync functions for use with an external clock. So, before I give up, I'm hoping that some of our Audiogon members with encyclopedic knowledge of the dac market can point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance.

Doug, All current Esoteric DACs (D-05, D-03, D-01) have word Sync out to be used in Master mode and they all accept 24/96. The clock accuracy is 3ppm. You can achieve even better accuracy with the outboard clocks (G-03, G-0rb). Let me know if you need more detailed info.

George V.

Dealer disclosure.

The Esoteric dacs (with or without an external clock) would indeed provide a solution to the 24/96 gap that I have with the EMM. But I have to wonder if the impressive specifications of those sophisticated outboard master clocks translate to improved performance relative to using the internal clock of the dac as master.

I might be better off ignoring 24/96 for now!